
daas arbitrage software

I. 套利策略。


III. 結論。

DAAS Built-in Arbitrage strategies

套利交易是一種風險最小的交易,目的是通過在一個交易場所同時購買資產並在另一個交易場所出售資產或在同一個交易場所使用不同的工具來獲取利潤。 套利交易是基於所有可能結果的盈虧平衡原則。 在實踐中,大量套利策略被使用,以這樣的管道實施各種各樣的方法,從而獲得利潤。 每種外匯或加密套利策略都基於其原則。 在不同的交易平臺或不同的交易工具之間,您可以找到盡可能多的策略。 

There are many arbitrage strategies. Let us list only those used in BJF DAAS (deep arbitrage analysis software).

  1. .單腿(潜在套利)-在一名經紀人的幫助下進行套利。 兩個經紀人被用於這種套利——一個是“快”報價,另一個是“慢”報價。 “快”的一家比“慢”的一家先報價,只與一家經紀人交易,後者在報價方面落後。
  2. Lock, LockCL, LockCL2, LockCL3 DAAS built-in – use of locking positions in trading. In this case, LockCL, LockCL2, and LockCL3 are developed by BJF and have no analogs on the market. 
  3. 對沖(對沖套利)——是一種交易策略,基於購買不同的資產,以儘量減少價格變動可能造成的損失。 這種交易科技以犧牲其他對沖交易的損失為代價,降低了單個交易的可能利潤,但作為回報,大幅損失的可能性被最小化。 對沖套利的主要功能是通過平衡彼此在不同資產上的交易來提供風險保險。 對於外匯交易,對沖交易可以在同一個或多個具有高度相關性的交易工具上進行。
  4. 三角(三角或三角套利)——在俄語中,三角套利更為常見。 這是一種交易策略,使用三種交易工具以及相應的三種貨幣對進行外匯交易。 配對的選擇管道應確保開放倉位相互保險。 在這種策略中,可以在所有三種貨幣對中以最小的損失風險進行同等重要的大額交易。
  5. 統計(統計套利)。 對於統計套利,只有被選擇的那些在它們之間有一定聯系的工具稱為相關性。
  6. L型流動——BJF開發的一種策略,市場上沒有類似的策略。

Bright trio——該策略由BJF開發,在市場上沒有類似產品。


As presented in the description, the BJF DAAS deep analysis arbitrage  software 深度分析套利軟體的創建是為了發現和交易不同市場和平臺之間的套利情况。 例如,如果您在不同平臺(如MT4、MT5、Ctrader、FIX API或Binance和Kraken等加密交易所)的不同經紀人處擁有多個帳戶,您可以在MT4平臺上的經紀人1和FIX API上的經紀人2之間蒐索套利情况。 

類似地,一個帳戶可以用於多種組合,以蒐索套利情况。 如果您在MT4上有一個經紀人帳戶,在MT5上有一個帳戶,在CTrader上有第三個帳戶,您可以在第一個和第二個帳戶以及第一個和第三個帳戶之間找到套利情况。 這使得該計畫獨一無二,在外匯市場上無與倫比。

它也是一個多策略計畫,這意味著該計畫包括許多尋找套利情况的策略。 該計畫不僅使用了潜在套利和對沖套利,還使用了LockCL、LockCL2和LockCL3,這些策略是BJF開發的,在市場上是無與倫比的。 DAAS計畫包括三角套利和統計套利。 DAAS包括用於L套利的策略,資金可以從一個帳戶“流動”到另一個帳戶。


正確工作的最低系統要求。 DAAS軟體應安裝在 VPS or a dedicated server服務器位置:紐約--如果您的經紀人在紐約放置服務器,或者倫敦--如果您的經紀人在倫敦放置服務器。 接近經紀人的服務器對套利策略至關重要——服務器離經紀人越近越好

DAAS System requirements

作業系統:Windows Server(OS)2012、2016、2019



自由空間:40 GB的自由空間

DAAS軟體的安裝並不困難,但我安裝的防毒軟體與我安裝的程式相悖。 只有在將其添加到例外之後,才能開始使用它。 希望在未來,該項目的作者將最終確定這一點,在沒有不必要的抱怨的情况下,這將是DAAS活動的一部分。

安裝並啟動該程式後,會出現一個視窗,您可以在其中添加MT4、MT5、cTrader、FIX API和加密交換(crypto exchange)平臺上的交易帳戶。 同樣在右邊,您可以添加交易策略,這些策略將在交易中實現。 延遲套利、鎖定套利、 LockCL套利、LockCL2套利、LockCL3套利(不同策略的鎖定套利)、三角套利、對沖套利、統計套利、L型流動和Bright trio可供添加。 

該程式的介面是英語和兩種亞洲語言,基於象形文字。 這還不足以讓該軟體贏得套利軟體市場的全面領導地位。 我希望看到所有常用語言的介面。


該程式的介面是英語和兩種亞洲語言,基於象形文字。 這還不足以讓該軟體贏得套利軟體市場的全面領導地位。 我希望看到所有常用語言的介面。 測評中考慮的BJF貿易集團的DAASDeep-Analysis Arbitrage Software是套利軟體中的領導者之一。 DAAS中使用了所有已知的基本套利策略,以及BJF開發的市場上沒有類似物的策略。



Experts review
  • Profitability - 9.6/10
  • Safety of use - 9.8/10
  • Execution speed - 9.7/10
  • Сamouflage options - 9.3/10
  • Usability - 9.2/10
  • Customer support - 9.6/10
  • Multifunctionality - 10/10
User Review
  • Sending
  • Sending
    Safety of use
  • Sending
    Execution speed
  • Sending
    Сamouflage options
  • Sending
  • Sending
    Customer support
  • Sending

(6) Comments

  • 头像
    Timur 4 月 24, 2020 @ 4:53 下午

    Hello Everyone,

    I recently purchased the BJF DAAS Arbitrage through Victor’s Telegram Channel here https://t.me/bjf_daas , and I got it at a fantastic price. I’m pleased to say it works excellently. Wishing you all the best! Based on my experience, I highly recommend it.


  • 头像
    jalyn mclaughlin 5 月 5, 2020 @ 1:13 下午

    Additional Review of Iticsoftware Company
    Rarely do I take the time to write a good review for a product, but I could not be happier with the services that I received from iticsoftware.I have been using them for my needs for the past two years, recently I tried their software for crypto trading and it has been extremely profitable, and prior while using their EA’s and arbitrage systems I could say confidently that they are the best on the market.

    Their support team is also great, as I had many questions and none were ignored or disregarded, instead they patiently walked me through the process and gave me some broker-specific advice.

    I was originally very skeptical about using different trading software and have tried many on the market with no results. I have been using a demo account for several months and have tried different software developers and was fed up with the business. I heard about some of BJF’s products through word of mouth and decided to give them a shot. The experience was delightful. I used DAAS with LockCL2 and statistical as well as the VIP Latency One-Leg software and have been making a steady profit over the past couple of months, ranging from 50-80%, sure the software takes a while to master, but it is most definitely worth it. Through the demo account, I made sure that I have NEVER lost money using the system, and began profiting after learning the intricacies. If you are not willing to work and learn, you will most definitely not be successful in the setup, and this software is not for you. However, if you are willing to dedicate time, this is the best company for you. I have talked to James, Boris, and Steve about some of their products and they provided me with numerous recommendations, and quickly helped me set up the software. I bugged them so many times with questions and they were happy to give me some coaching. They will also pay attention to the software you bought – and correct you if you ask them prior about the choices! I recommend discussing this with them prior to the purchase so you surely purchase the right software for your needs. The software is also improved constantly with extra features added based on your needs. And they are very professional in their dealings. In terms of the cost, the software is maybe even too cheap (not that I am complaining).

    I have hidden this success with BJF trading group for a while now, but after my latest experience with the team, I was extremely pleased, and winning comfortably in the market while trading anything, currencies, CFD, looking at crypto next in a big way, binance and all. I hope that Boris and the support team know that I appreciate their help and hard work, it has been such a game-changer.

  • 头像
    Mohammad Volkman Jr. 11 月 23, 2021 @ 12:00 上午

    A very honest and professional company
    itic software is definitely my top choice after testing tens, if not hundreds of systems over the years. These systems have been the most efficient and provided the results I have been seeking throughout my trading venture. I recently contacted the team to recode a repaint indicator into a non-repaint one, which now works wonderfully with no issues. I also recommend the Elliot Wave software. All the EA’s and the software I purchased has been working seamlessly, and if any questions or concerns arise, the team is always there to help.

  • 头像
    Stacy Reinger 7 月 9, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    Excellent employees and systems
    I have been using BJF’s products for some time now, and have been pleasantly surprised with the results. I was wary of some of the reviews, but after using the platforms I understood that they have a learning curve and testing periods depending on the broker. After some time, and testing I could confidently say that I loved BJF’s top-notch services – and have purchased almost all of the systems they have to offer.

  • 头像
    Dayton Friesen 11 月 29, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    Review of IticSoftware.com
    I have been familiar with the products of BJF Trading Group’s website https://iticsoftware.com/ for more than a year. The company specializes in arbitrage trading using different arbitrage strategies, including some unique ones, such as L-pouring and Bright trio. I still haven’t had time to use these strategies – I need to understand their working principles better. The main conventional strategies of arbitrage trading, such as latent, triangular, and hedge arbitrage, are enough to earn money. There is no need to play with the settings for a long time – there is a well-designed manual, and professional support is also always at a distance by telegram message.
    On https://www.forexpeacearmy.com/ there are several negative reviews about DAAS arbitrage software. People can not set up profitable trading in their accounts, they go through a lot of options, but the result is still negative. The peculiarity of arbitrage trading is its temporary use because brokers struggle with this kind of earning by widening spreads. BJF provides the necessary tools and an idea of where the software can be profitable. This should be considered when setting up and using arbitrage software. For the sake of completeness, there are many more positive reviews on the same site. It is necessary to understand that even with the ideal in theory arbitrage trade in actual trading conditions there are many pitfalls, which in principle can not be taken into account when developing the software. Such as gaps in the market quotes, slippage during fast movements, and ping from the trading terminal to the trading server – all this can greatly affect the final profitability of the account when using the software. That is why even arbitrage trading strategies on real accounts do not always trade in the positive, as one would like them to. The software itself is done very well – no complaints. But, like everything else in the market, it is not yet a hundred percent guarantee of profit. It is necessary to monitor how well the trade is going and to make adjustments if necessary. The final profit depends on it. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen something like this where you bought it once, customized it, and got consistent profits regularly. This is the ideal that everyone strives for!
    On https://iticsoftware.com/ there are regularly new Expert Advisors that you can buy for your use. During sales, they can be purchased at discounts of up to 50 percent. There are experts on sale such as Arbitrage Software-cBot, IPs Changer, VIP Crypto Arbitrage Software, and News Auto Trader Pro – economic news auto-trading software.

  • 头像
    Rey Cummerata 11 月 29, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    DAAS works as promised!
    I wanted to note that I have purchased a latency arbitrage system from ITIC Software and it has been a wonderful experience for me. I am extremely satisfied with the support that resolved all of my issues, in a prompt manner. The system itself also delivers results as promised, and I will most definitely be using ITIC Sofware to purchase systems in the future.

