
hft arbitrage software


HFT套利平臺是由一個專業團隊為外匯市場的大型機构級參與者開發的,該團隊包括來自不同領域的專家,如交易、應用數學,當然還有高級程式師。 開發商最初有機會調整套利策略,使套利平臺適應外匯和加密貨幣市場的變化。也就是說,任務是在一個殼中創建一個外匯套利機器人和加密套利機器人。 第二個總體思路是實現在外匯和加密貨幣的不同交易平臺之間發現套利情况的能力。 

Alex D.機构外匯交易員“。。。。。。HFT套利平臺超出了我的所有預期,其能力令人印象深刻。。。。。。我很高興我們做到了!

HFT Arbitrage Platform HFT套利平臺可供零售交易者使用,因為該套利項目的開發商認為他們的目標是改變外匯市場上普遍存在的不公平狀況,因為大多數外匯經紀人都參與了誠實的業務,為交易者獲取利潤設定了各種障礙。 出於同樣的原因,我們以加密貨幣銷售產品,這使我們能够在不受經紀公司壓力的情况下為客戶提供服務,也使我們的客戶保持匿名。 


HFT套利平臺默認具有與幾乎所有已知外匯交易公司的內寘連接器:MT 4/5、通過FIX API的cTrader、通過RAPI的Rithmic 、45+FIX API連接器。。。 以及所有流行的加密交換機(包括25個以上的加密連接器):Binance、Kraken、Huobi、Bitfinex、Bitmex、Bittrex、Bitstamp。。。 這些連接器不僅是為加密貨幣現貨市場的套利而創建的,也是為加密貨幣期貨市場的套利而創建的。 我們的專家對所有連接進行了優化,允許達到盡可能高的訂單執行速度,從而達到盡可能低的貶值。


每一位有經驗的套利交易者都知道,訂單發送的速度對於套利交易來說至關重要,但我認為第二個最重要的成功條件是套利策略的算灋。 任何交易者都可以買入延遲套利智慧交易系統並獲得數千百分比收益的日子一去不復返了。 外匯市場上的經紀公司正在投資數萬美元來程式設計他們的反套利挿件,或購買那些已經在交易員中流行的挿件,這不僅以傭金為代價,而且以交易員損失為代價。 這就是為什麼一個專業的套利平臺應該包括幾種套利策略,允許交易員在不被注意和不改變經紀公司的情况下進行足够長的操作。




Chen A. 零售外匯Rider“。。。。。。非常感謝您開發延遲套利計畫延遲套利智慧交易系統,這讓我現在可以在幾個月內穩步盈利。。。。。。”



  • • 擁有25000美元或以上存款的外匯套利交易員,他們傾向於通過使用IOC或FOK限額指令FIX API帳戶以降低貶值風險。
  • • 加密套利交易員,他們喜歡比較不同加密交易所之間的加密貨幣價格,並且不怕持有不同加密貨幣和備用幣的資金。 

幾種類型的延遲套利,包括快速報價來源和兩個帳戶的對沖。 這些策略不適用於加密貨幣市場上的套利交易,但它們在外匯市場上的套利交易中表現出色,對於200美元以下小額存款的交易員和大額存款的交易員同樣成功。

我想詳細介紹一下策略雙腿延遲3-這種策略是外匯市場上最隱蔽的套利。 它完全模仿交易者的手動交易,與套利無關,也無法由任何現有挿件定義。 我們不想透露這種套利策略的想法,原因有二:第一,我們害怕競爭對手複製套利策略,並將其傳播給大眾,從而損害我們的客戶和我們。 其次,我們不想讓外匯經紀人創建挿件來檢測這種套利策略並封锁其應用。 

Max K. 外匯交易員 “。。。。。。我對雙腿延遲3背後的想法印象深刻。我很高興與團隊合作,並感謝您的出色技術支援和我從軟體中獲得的知識。。。。。。”


HFT套利平臺是最先進、最專業的套利交易平臺,直到最近才在市場上出現,是機构交易員的財產。 該計畫在市場上沒有類似項目,是一項獨特的發展,允許不同知識水准和財務能力的交易員快速成為外匯和加密貨幣市場3%的精英交易員。

More information about HFT Arbitrage Platform: https://hftarbitrageplatform.com

Experts review
  • Profitability - 9.8/10
  • Safety of use - 9.6/10
  • Execution speed - 9.7/10
  • Сamouflage options - 9.5/10
  • Customer support - 9/10
  • Usability - 9.1/10
  • Multifunctionality - 9.8/10
User Review
  • Sending
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    Safety of use
  • Sending
    Execution speed
  • Sending
    Сamouflage options
  • Sending
    Customer support
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  • Sending
Comments Rating 0/10 (0 reviews)

(4) Comments

  • 头像
    Demond Bahringer 10 月 1, 2022 @ 10:01 上午

    Good arbitrage software
    I am a long-term customer of HFT and have been utilising their software for over 2 years now. I buy all my standard products through them from latency to hft trade copier. I have been very pleased with some of the non-standard versions so far, especially HFT Platfrom, which I have been using for quite some time now and still have not explored everything available to me as a trader, and I am already profitable. HFT Arbitrage platform allowed me to mix my strategies, and not be stuck with using one software constantly, and I have noticed progress and strengthening of my portfolio as well as longer experiences with the broker.

    Thanks, guys!

  • 头像
    Alize Block 11 月 29, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    HFT Arbitrage platform is really professional latency arbitrage software with several built-in arbitrage bots for cryptocurrencies arbitrage and forex arbitrage. My personal recommendations.

  • 头像
    Mrs. Josefina Nienow 11 月 29, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    HFT latency arbitrage is, in my opinion, the most effective latency arbitrage program available today. I have tested many products and therefore I can draw this conclusion. I would most like to highlight the 2legs latency 1 strategy, which allows you to mask arbitrage well when using two accounts even with the same broker. 2legs latency 3 is more difficult to set up although it has great potential. My special thanks to Serg from the support department who helped me to install and configure the program.

    I have not been able to use latency 1 arbitrage to work with FTMO because of the high slippage, but the work of the program on other brokerage companies has shown an excellent profit. Also managed to find a prop company and passed the contest. Support is fast through the ticket system but not enough phone support.

    I purchased the full HFT arbitrage platform package 2 months ago after testing the demo version. The arbitrage platform works great and is profitable. The support team recommended VPS and brokerage companies to start with. The program’s price is reasonable and quickly pays for itself even with a small deposit. I have no problems with customer support, they do not do anything wrong. After several disappointments with other arbitrage robots, I finally found one that is completely satisfying. Thanks to the team at hft.

  • 头像
    Stephan Welch 11 月 29, 2022 @ 1:13 下午

    The HFT Arbitrage Platform software works!
    I saw a few reviews talking about the software being profitable only before the broker deduces that you are using such latency arbitrage software. I just wanted to leave a comment and enlighten those that think this way. Why would the broker actively seek to create worse trading conditions for you if the software wasn’t working? After seeing these reviews, that was a clear indication that I should purchase the software, as clearly if the broker doesn’t like it, then it is a good one. On some brokers I was spotted quickly, on others it took quite some time, and the HFT team was extremely responsible for my needs. I got recommendations and directions and advice from HFT’s experienced team and have been making money profitably while paying attention to my trading conditions and taking forex broker for arbitrage selections seriously. When I and my partners first began working with HFT, we made good money over a few months, and then had no returns for quite some time, after which we became profitable gain. It is important to have patience and not blame developers for our own inexperienced nature. This experience however allowed us to remain profitable in the long run, and periods, where money isn’t made, are normal in any business. The only thing I wished for after using HFT-developed tools is finding out about their company, software, and learning materials sooner, and not wasting my time on scammers, influencers, and various workshops.

